A blond moment

A blond moment

I’m not sure if this one qualifies as a blond moment. Nevertheless I thought to label it as such. The moment was more or less the same blondish colour that my hair was when I was 3 years old. As many of you reading the blog know, I recently started my own business....


Acceptance, as a noun, can be defined in different ways. For the purpose of this blog I’m interested in the definition of acceptance as a ‘process or fact of being received as adequate, valid, or suitable.’  We are constantly encouraged to improve, excel and exceed...


At the beginning of the year I did an 8-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course at the Institute for Mindfulness in Cape Town. One of the meditations that I learned at the course was the ‘Lovingkindness meditation’. You will start with evoking feelings...
Cinderella and your True Self

Cinderella and your True Self

I’m privileged to travel much this year. During one of my flights from South Africa to Boston I watched the new Cinderella movie. Something I wouldn’t usually do if I were not stuck in a plane for 12 hours. There was a scene in the movie that resonated with me....