by GrethaThe you that wants to come out
by Gretha van der Merwe
CONNECT with me if you seek to:
- Unlock meaningful work-life integration
- Get clarity on the direction of your career
- Cultivate leadership presence
- Build new habits to improve stress management and avoid burn-out
I am a river
by Gretha van der Merwe
My approach is to INTEGRATE:
I am a certified Integral Coach. The Integral coaching programme is accredited through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). This discipline works on the basis that, in order for coaching to have a real and lasting impact, we must work holistically.
I see clients for who they really are, not only as part of who they are. Integral Coaching appreciates the fullness of a person and works with their inner and outer world, to facilitate lasting and meaningful change, helping clients bring their ‘whole self’ to life. Integral coaching helps clients become ‘who they are meant to be’ by integrating:
The process of integration is about interconnected cycles of renewal in:
- self (head, heart, body, intuition, soul)
- others (conversations and relationships)
- environments (culture, rituals, nature)
- spirituality (meaning and bigger purpose)
Co-creating the next cycle of becoming and providing support through the process of renewal that we are all part of.
Today I commit to truly live
by Gretha van der Merwe
I coach clients to RENEW in the following fields:
- Executive Coaching (Development of leadership skills e.g. assertiveness, clear communication, delegation, capacity to influence others and cultivate inclusivity)
- Somatic Coaching (Increase embodied self-awareness through Mindfulness, learn to listen to wisdom of the body, inner voice and gut instincts)
- Career Development (career change or transition, promotion/advancement or opportunities)
- Women Leadership (working with changing relationship with the Inner Critic, specific cultural factors that shaped the narrative of how women are perceived, female archetype)
- Enneagram Coaching
How we embody ourselves and behave or whether we speak up are influenced by our nervous system, feelings and sensations in our body that is rooted in our instinctual intelligence and ancestral knowing (“social background cultures” or “common sense”). – Gretha van der Merwe (with thanks to Blake, van der Kolk, Usatynski and Shotter)